This Master Grade model kit showcases the updated design of the Sinanju Stein, as featured in "Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative." The assembly process is facilitated by dividing the engraving on the Sleeves emblem into parts. The beam axe has the versatility to connect and function as a long-beam naginata, and the beam parts can be deployed while attached to the shield. Handled by the Emotion Manipulator SP, the hand parts allow each finger to move independently. The leg thrusters, designed for flexibility, can be maneuvered independently with their lift arms. The cockpit is operable, opening and closing, while the vertical movement of the chest block can be replicated. Additionally, the kit includes two figures of Zoltan Akkanen in sitting and standing poses.
- Shield
- High beam rifle
- Grenade launcher
- Beam axe
- Bazooka
- Beam saber
- Effect parts
- Interchangeable hands
- Figures
- Joint parts
- Stickers